Oh tragic trousers, too much maligned,
it seems that you’re not properly designed
to please the uber-fashionista crowd,
that bunch of vapid, under-endowed
stick figures who suffer for their look,
who’d rather starve and swoon than cook,
who order drinks with, please, no cubes
and don’t mind showing off their pubes,
which creep over their low-cut pants
like some invasive garden plant.
Oh roomy jeans, they fit just right,
they keep my love handles out of sight
I love the give, I love the take
the stretch of elastic around my waist.
So they make my butt look flat --
hello! something wrong with that?
look, most moms are busy and harassed,
no time to keep up with fashions vast,
hip and trendy – Give us comfy, give us quick,
machine-washable and non-stick.
Oh mom couture, we want you back,
we’re sick and tired of wearing black
of pouring our veteran bodies into clothes
as uncomfortable as pantyhose.
It’s time to claim our mom couture,
to prove that comfort and allure
aren’t mutually exclusive concepts
in a mother’s wardrobe; she who schleps,
carpools, cooks, works and…screams…
deserves a break. And so it seems
that more of us should come clean
about how sometimes we lust for mom jeans.
Hahahahah...Very funny piece. I empathize far too well with this one. But, one question -- non-stick? I'm musing over that one.
Well, it rhymes, it's old-fashioned like mom jeans, and I was running out of steam...
Whew! Glad it was nothing more than poetic license. I feared I had yet another physical surprise to look forward to!
Love it!! How great are rhyming poems?!
Did not know you were blogging! Thanks for the link! And I love that cute picture of you up top!
I love this.
Help! My Mom Jeans seem to have shrunk in the wash!
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